A Journey into Self Love series with Dawn Elgin
8 week series
Tuesday's at 4:00pm-5:00pm
$90 investment/pp
We are in the midst of a worldwide self-love crisis. The reason is that we don’t truly know who we are. We are no longer at peace with ourselves, let alone others. The result is that we don’t feel comfortable or safe.
When we feel uncomfortable and unsafe we can have a tendency to give our power away to those around us, or, we can hoard it behind defences that cause us to become disconnected from ourselves and others.
The journey of a lifetime begins with a single step. The first step in the journey to Self-love is to understand who the Self is. Once we have been introduced, we can then begin to form a relationship. A relationship that is cultivated with patience, compassion, respect, and kindness naturally evolves into unconditional love.
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